How to teach english with technology /

Harmer, Jeremy

How to teach english with technology / Jeremy Harmer, Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly - England : Pearson, 2007 - 192 páginas ; ilustraciones, 25 cm. CD-ROM - ALWAYS LEARNING .

1. Technology in the classroom.
- Technology in language teaching.
- Attitudes to technology.
- Implementing ICT in the classroom.
- Skills and equipment for getting started.
2. Word processors in the classroom.
- Why use word processors?.
- Word processors for teachers: creating materials.
- Word processing activities for learners.
- Using word processors: considerations.
3. Using websites.
- Using websites in the classroom.
- ELT websites or authentic websites?.
- How to find useful websites.
- How to evaluate websites.
- Planning lessons using the Internet.
- Working with lower levels of language proficiency.
- Web teaching dos and don'ts.
4. Internet-based project work.
- Why do Internet-based project work?.
- Basic projects.
- Internet-based simulations.
- Webquests.
- Webquest creation.
5. How to use email.
- The benefits of email.
- Basic email skills.
- Using email with learners out of class.
- Using email with learners during class.
- Keypal projects.
6. How to use chat.
- Chat in language teaching
- Types of chat.
- Chat programs.
- Why use chat in language teaching?.
- How to start using text or voice chat with learners.
- How to structure a text or voice chat lesson.
- A sample text chat lesson plan.
7. Blogs, wikis and podcasts.
- Social software.
- Blogs in language teaching.
- How to start using blogs with learners.
- Wikis in language teaching.
- How to start using a wiki with learners.
- Podcasts in language teaching.
- How to create learner podcasts.
8. Online reference tools.
- Dictionaries and thesauruses.
- Concordancers and corpuses for language analysis.
- Translators for language analysis.
- Encyclopedias for research and project work.
9. Technology-based courseware.
- CD-ROMs and DVDs.
- Evaluating CD-ROMs.
- Computer-based testing.
- Electronic portfolios.
- Interactive whiteboards.
10. Producing electronic materials.
- What are electronic materials?.
- Creating electronic materials online.
- What is an authoring tool?.
- Using authoring tools to produce materials.
11. e-learning: online teaching and training.
- What is e-learning?.
- Teaching and learning online.
- Course design for online learning: examples.
- Course design for online learning: considerations.
- How to get started with online learning.
- Teacher training and online learning.
- Discussion lists and online groups.
12. Preparing for the future.
- The state of the art.
- How to keep up-to-date.
- Web 2.0.
- The future of online learning.
- Virtual learning.
- m-learning


English composition

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